Los Angeles Gold Line
By Valhalla Video

Los Angeles Gold Line
1 Hour 30 Mins


Product Description

Los Angeles opened its new Gold Line light rail system on July 26, 2003. Most of the line was built on the former Santa Fe Pasadena subdivision right of way. In this program you will ride the entire Gold Line from Union Station, through Pasadena to the end at Sierra Madre Villa station, including rock steady end to end cab rides in both directions! The program also includes extensive line side coverage showing you the downtown elevated section, street running, and operations in the center of the I-210 freeway. An extended bonus section features the grand opening festivities at L. A. Union Station, souvenirs, press releases, and "goodies" given out by the MTA to the VIPs attending the ceremonies, a map of the line, and gallery of still pictures. Digitally mastered with Hi-Fi stereo audio and limited narration. Digitally mastered and packaged in a durable plastic library case with printed cover. Running time 1 hour 30 minutes.